Given data from diverse sets of distinct distributions, domain generaliz...
A common architectural choice for deep metric learning is a convolutiona...
Over the past decades, hemodynamics simulators have steadily evolved and...
Online continual learning (OCL) research has primarily focused on mitiga...
Gaussian smoothing (GS) is a derivative-free optimization (DFO) algorith...
Given a stream of data sampled from non-stationary distributions, online...
We present MSeg, a composite dataset that unifies semantic segmentation
Continual learning is the problem of learning and retaining knowledge th...
By searching for shared inductive biases across tasks, meta-learning pro...
Continual learning systems will interact with humans, with each other, a...
Despite its success in a wide range of applications, characterizing the
We are interested in derivative-free optimization of high-dimensional
For assistive robots, anticipating the future actions of humans is an es...
Supervised learning with large scale labelled datasets and deep layered ...
In multi-task learning, multiple tasks are solved jointly, sharing induc...
We are concerned with learning models that generalize well to different
Unlike machines, humans learn through rapid, abstract model-building. Th...
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been successfully applied to m...
Human communication takes many forms, including speech, text and
There is a large variation in the activities that humans perform in thei...
Supervised learning with large scale labeled datasets and deep layered m...
Human communication typically has an underlying structure. This is refle...
In this paper we introduce a knowledge engine, which learns and shares
Segmentation of an object from a video is a challenging task in multimed...